MAY I suggest to Liz Edge that the reason she has not yet seen any explanation from the company or council of the advantages of the new "super bus" is that those worthies are still trying to determine any advantage.

I believe I am correct in saying that the FTR bus has a poorer fuel consumption than a standard "bendy" and can carry fewer passengers. The introduction of this "purple people-eater" has already cost council taxpayers untold thousands of pounds for alterations to bus stops, kerb alignments and roadway alterations along its route.

As one of those residents "lucky" enough to live on the No 4 route, I wonder if there is any significance in seeing, for the first time, a standard "bendy" being trialled on this route today?

A Dobinson,

Askham Lane,



Updated: 11:17 Wednesday, March 29, 2006