EX Labour councillor Liz Edge has always prided herself in championing the disadvantaged, so I am surprised that she sets her face against bus use in a city where more than a quarter of residents do not own a car (Letters, March 23).

Doesn't she think that those people deserve a good quality bus service, or must they be imprisoned in their homes until a friend or relation with a car can take them out?

Ms Edge clearly never ventures out at peak times. Residents in my ward frequently complain that the no 4 bus, for example, is always full before it gets half way to town.

Buses are hugely effective at freeing up road space, carrying dozens of passengers at once. If her quoted six passengers all used their cars they would easily take up more road space than the FTR.

Buses benefit those who genuinely rely on cars, as every passenger who can and does transfer to a bus frees up that bit more road space. The FTR will provide much improved levels of comfort for passengers, and will carry more people than standard buses.

As for using taxes to "sponsor another white elephant", Ms Edge makes no sense. The new FTR buses are to be operated commercially by First York.

The council has made road alterations to support the new vehicles using Local Transport Plan funding from the Government. Increasing bus usage is vital if we are to prevent York residents being choked by ever-more exhaust fumes in the years to come.

As a dedicated "pro car/anti bus" lobbyist, I assume that Ms Edge will not be taking up her free bus pass on April 1.

Coun Ann Reid,

Executive member for planning and transport,



Updated: 11:18 Wednesday, March 29, 2006