YOUR editorial has every right to question the speed and manner of the proposed merger of police forces (March 21), but the merger still makes sense. Your rather over-the-top, emotive "R.I.P. for North Yorkshire Police" will have few mourners as it has been a painful struggle since its creation in 1974.

You suggest that rural folk will lose out to the more populated cities, but I have worked for the emergency services for more than 30 years and I can say that rural North and East Yorkshire have everything to gain.

Skipton, Harrogate and York have appalling levels of police cover compared with neighbouring Leeds and Bradford. The local police station is likely to remain where it is, but the manpower and resources available will be a massive boost to all parts of Yorkshire.

The question that needs to be addressed is how these resources are to be deployed.

Mark Graham,

The Brickyards,

Stamford Bridge,


Updated: 11:18 Wednesday, March 29, 2006