SO Tony Blair was patronising and insensitive when Evening Press reporter Mike Laycock asked him questions about York's unemployment (March 20).

What surprises me is Mike Laycock's surprise in expecting anything different from Blair. He has never been anything but patronising towards the electorate.

Tony always knows what's best for us, hence the fact that he never allows us to vote on all the major issues which directly affects us and this country, for fear we would not vote the way he wants us to.

Blair is the Houdini of politics. He has managed to wriggle out of every tight corner he has found himself in. The lies about weapons of mass destruction, resulting in a war with terrible consequences for all involved. The Bristol flats fiasco and a friendly Aussie con man. Now allegations of cash for peerages.

This man is so insensitive to his mistakes, he cannot see the awful legacy he will leave behind.

He will be remembered as the worst Prime Minister this country has ever had the misfortune to elect to office.

Mrs W P Carter,

Marston Crescent,



Updated: 11:19 Wednesday, March 29, 2006