UNISON has been "reluctantly forced to vote for strike action because of the Government's intransigence" over pension rights according to Ben Drake, York Unison branch secretary (March 27).

I have certain sympathy with Mr Drake's views but it is equally important to look at the wider picture.

Since coming to power in 1997, this Labour Government has systematically destroyed the aspirations of almost every sector of society through stealth taxes.

UK workers are now the highest tax payers in Europe and what do we have to show for it? Out-of-control immigration, deceit over inflation (is your cost of living only rising by two per cent?), NHS and schools in crisis, rising pension ages and an immoral war in Iraq.

In 1997, Gordon Brown began taxing pension schemes and this, combined with the new accounting standard introduced by our "European friends", has caused virtually every final salary pension scheme to either close completely or close to new members.

Many private schemes are extending their retirement age (except the MPs' scheme which was recently improved to allow full pension after 30 years service all paid for by the taxpayer - you and me).

At the same time, the state old- age pension has failed to keep up with price increases and retirement ages here are also set to rise.

Local government employees are not alone on this issue. In a further unbelievable deceit, this Labour Government is taking credit for the so-called pension fund compensation scheme, which is supposed to help members of failed pension schemes. But the Government isn't contributing a single penny to this scheme. It is funded by other pension schemes which are being forced to pay - is there any wonder why so many other schemes are struggling to survive?

Tony Taylor,


Woodthorpe, York.

Updated: 11:19 Wednesday, March 29, 2006