DOZENS of delegates from big name companies, with the spending power to boost York's economy by millions of pounds a year, are descending on the city on Thursday.

Forty venues from hotels and visitor attractions to academic centres have thrown their weight behind York's third conference showcase, which is expected to attract more than 100 conference buyers from across the UK.

Representatives from The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, Northern Rail, Npower, The Rotary Club, Moores Furniture Group and The British Library have all signed up to attend the exhibition at York Racecourse.

Gillian Cruddas, chief executive of York Tourism Bureau, said they were expecting a record number of buyers.

"We're delighted with the response and more conference buyers are coming into York than ever before.

"The showcase will help us to raise the profile of the city as a conference destination, and will encourage buyers to experience the facilities for themselves with a view to placing events here in the future. York is ideally placed for conference business in the UK, halfway between London and Edinburgh, and has excellent road, rail and air transport links."

Kate McMullen, the bureau's conference marketing manager, said the event was aimed at buyers for conferences and associated events such as seminars, training days and team building experiences.

She said research by the Tourism Bureau in 2003/04 revealed that these generated between £70million to £80million a year.

"Royal Ascot certainly raised the profile of York as a venue for corporate hospitality," she added.

As well as generating bookings from the event, York Tourism Bureau hopes it will persuade conference buyers that the city has a lot to offer, combining strong transport links with unusual venues, high quality hotels, stately homes and stunning modern complexes.

A series of themed visits have been organised, to include venues such as the University of York, York Mansion House and The Royal York Hotel as well as training settings such as the York Marriott hotel.

The day will end with a tour around Jorvik Viking Centre, followed by a champagne and canap reception at the new attraction, DIG.

Candi Colbourn, conference organiser for The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, said: "We are delighted to have the opportunity to learn more about York's conference venues under one roof.

"York has so much variety and a wealth of conference locations, so it will be especially useful for us to actually visit some of the venues. The event will also make planning a conference in York even easier."

Updated: 11:13 Wednesday, March 29, 2006