YORK Railway Institute continued their dominance in men's division one of the York and District Badminton League with two more victories.

They were pushed hard by University Students 'A' before coming out on top 5-4 but had little difficulty in seeing off Riverside 9-0 for their 11th win on the bounce.

Sam Gardener and Mark Harris took the Institute honours against the students with a 92-51 return, while father and son pairing of Richard and James Pauw had 90-32 against Riverside.

In contrast, York RI Tuesday/Thursday 'B' suffered two defeats in men's two. They lost 6-3 at Selby Jubilee and then went down 5-4 at home to University Students 'B' whose Matt Parkinson and Chales Passfield won three times for a 105-66 return. Neil Richardson and James Dawson set the Jubilee standard with 90-28.

St John's put in a good home display to edge out Clifton 'B' 5-4 in men's three. Martin Walker and Mike Hourston amassed 90-36 for Clifton, but the student teachers'duo Joe Bartholomew and Steve Keable secured the match-winning rubber with a seven and six over Mark Screeton and Stuart Robertson.

Clifton 'B' bounced back with a 6-3 home win over Fulfordgate at St Peter's School. Matt Hobman and Andrew Johnson won all their three rubbers for the visitors for 107-84.

University Students 'A' won 5-4 at Selby/Drax 'A' in mixed one thanks to three wins by Justin Rich and Heather Hawkins for 117-66. This included the vital eighth where they won 15-17, 15-3, 15-9 against Michelle and Phil Brunyard.

Clifton's Kevin Davison and Gill McIntosh were the only dominant pair in their 6-3 mixed one victory over Shepherds 'A' with 90-54 from three victories. Paul Nichol and Clare Forth responded well for the visitors and were unlucky only to take one rubber.

Clifton 'B' were good value for their 7-2 win at Huntington 'A' in mixed two where Michael Hourston and Karen Broster had an excellent series, taking all three rubbers in straight games for 90-42.

Clifton 'C' made it a good week for their mixed two clubs with a 6-3 home win over University Students 'B'. Alan Smith and Sandra Robinson led Clifton home with a good maximum, returning 103-72 after going to a third end twice.

Terry's completed the double over Selby Jubilee 'C' with a narrow 5-4 home win in mixed five. Lynn Dawson and Chris Kent starred for Jubilee with 103-40, but Judy Wilson and Ian Forman kept their nerve in the ninth rubber to seal the Terry's win with a two and 13 over Chris Benson and P Mann.

York and District Badminton League

Men's 1: York RI 9 (R Pauw & J Pauw 90-32), Riverside 0; Univ Students 'A' 4, Riverside 2 (time affected match); Univ Students 'A' 4, York RI 5 (S Gardner & M Harris 92-51).

Men's 2: RI Tues/Thurs 'B' 4 (M Parkinson & C Passfield 105-66), Univ Students 'B' 5; RI Tues/Thurs 'A' 9 (M Copley & M Hitchens 90-29), Selby/Drax 'B' 0; Selby Jubilee 6 (N Richardson & J Dawson 90-28), RI Tues/Thurs 'B' 3.

Men's 3: St John's 5, Clifton 'B' 4 (M Walker & M Hourston 90-36); Clifton 'B' 6, Fulfordgate 3 (M Hobman & A Johnson 107-84).

Mixed 1: Selby/Drax 'A' 4, Univ Students 'A' 5 (J Rich & H Hawkins 117-66); Nestl Rowntree 'A' 6 (J Whittaker & M Knowles 106-65), Univ Students 'A' 3; Clifton 'A' 6 (K Davison & G McIntosh 90-54), Shepherds 'A' 3.

Mixed 2: Huntington 'A' 2, Clifton 'B' 7 (M Hourston & K Broster 90-42); Clifton 'C' 6 (A Smith & S Robinson 103-72), Univ Students 'B' 3.

Mixed 3: Nestl Rowntree 'B' 3, Tadcaster 86 'A' 6 (P Zealand & M Harrad 90-47).

Mixed 5: Middlethorpe 3, Market Weighton 6; Terry's 5, Selby Jubilee 'C' 4 (L Dawson & C Kent 103-40).

Updated: 09:50 Thursday, March 30, 2006