A MEMBER of the public, on being interviewed on behalf of your newspaper, gave an address Bismarck Street York (March 22).

Was this street named in honour of Bismarck the famous (or infamous) German Iron Chancellor? If so what was the reason for such an honour?

I have noticed other instances in York of streets etc being Germanic names, ie, Germany Beck (whatever that is) and Hanover Court.

How many more such Teutonic street names are there in York may I ask? Were bygone local worthies so anxious to show their loyalty and support for the Hanoverian Dynasty that they felt constrained to advertise this fact in a practical (and inexpensive) way?

Thus a rash of Germanic street names appeared within the Archdiocese of York.

How clever!

Ida Goodrick,

Woodlands Avenue,


Updated: 10:24 Thursday, March 30, 2006