MY observation that Lendal Bridge might be used for parking was written in jest - which is why I sent it to the Diary (March 23).

I didn't really believe that Diary readers wishing to park their car in the centre of York would take it seriously.

Therefore, I'm most grateful to Peter Evely, head of network management, for finding the time to write in and clarify the facts for Diary-readers - and everyone else, now - who actually think that the middle of Lendal Bridge would be a good place to leave the car and go on to shop, watch a film, take in a church service, etc (Letters, March 27).

It would be, as I suspect most Diary readers already know, a most irresponsible place to park a car. I therefore denounce, unreservedly, any "advice" considered to have been given in the item and will concentrate in future on contributing to the Diary only rational, humourless material unlikely to elicit a response from anyone who might accidentally take it as a joke.

However, as it obviously is so important not to park on Lendal Bridge, why aren't there any yellow lines on it?

Chris Wood,



Updated: 10:25 Thursday, March 30, 2006