CYCLISTS do not always use cycle lanes for a number of reasons.

It is worrying that if a cyclist is hit by a car, might the drivers' insurers try to blame the cyclist for not using a nearby cycle lane?

Take the green lanes at Stockton Lane roundabout - baffling to both drivers and cyclists. While in my car I saw a lady on a bike turning right at this roundabout. While conscientiously using the green cycle lane, she was knocked off by a car emerging from a junction.

This is a common accident at roundabouts and the reason many cyclists prefer to stay well out in the road to make themselves more visible.

Other examples are the off-road cycle lanes on Clifton Bridge and Clifton Moor. In winter these aren't gritted and it's much safer to ride on the road. Or the cycle path between Tang Hall and Clifton, nice during the day - not always safe after dark.

At the end of the day, all road users need to be aware of the rules of the road and of their own ability (or lack of). Too often they are not and that is why there are so many accidents.

And before someone comes up with the usual "cyclists and horses don't pay road tax..." it should be remembered that road tax was introduced by the Government to compensate it for the damage done to roads by new-fangled motor vehicles. There is a fairly obvious reason why it wasn't levied on other road users.

C Musgrave,

Woodland Place,

New Earswick,


Updated: 10:25 Thursday, March 30, 2006