Acomb residents, as elsewhere in York, are plagued by the rise in ownership of mini-motorbikes.

Riding these bikes on public land, footpaths or the public highway is illegal and can lead to prosecution.

These machines can reach speeds of 40mph and there have already been four deaths across the country.

We have three requests:

1) Parents who are considering purchasing a mini-motorbike should consider the dangers of these machines both to riders and other road users and ensure, if purchased, they are only ridden on private land.

2) Members of the public who see these "bikes" being ridden on the roads should contact the police.

3) City of York Council should support the initiative set up by the Local Government Association and join other councils across the country that are working with the police to take action where mini-motors are used illegally or are a noise nuisance.

Coun David Horton and Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing,

Labour councillors for Acomb ward,

Salisbury Road,


Updated: 10:26 Thursday, March 30, 2006