THAT a Labour Government should choose to flex its muscles by trying to make life difficult for a Liberal Democrat-controlled council is not surprising.

That it should pick on a council with the tenth lowest tax rise in the country, out of 352, is not particularly surprising either.

Fairness and reason don't play a part in this petty and vindictive behaviour by a Government mired in million pound donations from private businessmen on the lookout for peerages.

What does stick in the craw is Hugh Bayley's mucking about with the meaning of the word "extravagant", as in this council's "extravagance with taxpayers' money" (March 28).

Does he mean "extravagant" in the sense of proposing an increase of £49 per year against the average national increase of £53?

Does he mean "extravagant" in the sense of a final Band D bill in York of £940 per year against the average council tax Band D bill across the country of £1,250?

Forget the nonsense spoken about percentages and look at the figures, Mr Bayley. The difference between five per cent and 5.5 per cent is 8.4p per week. York is one of the lowest-funded local authorities in the country. In real money.

All of us in York know that and you know that. You also know that your Government admitted last autumn that we were receiving £1.3 million less than we deserve.

If you really want to "move heaven and earth" to save us from capping, stop the poisonous posturing, check the meaning of the words "extravagant" and "spendthrift" in your dictionary, and do us all a favour by arguing York's case and by representing the city that elects you.

Coun Christian Vassie,

Liberal Democrat,

City of York Council

Blake Court,


Updated: 10:26 Thursday, March 30, 2006