CITY of York Council was very nave in setting a council tax in excess of five per cent when this was predicted as the likely capping level.

We have heard before about the low government funding for York and it having one of the lowest tax levels. However, Hambleton put forward the same arguments for not being capped last year without success.

One wonders whether the district auditor should consider surcharging those responsible, rather than the cost of re-issuing the demands falling on council tax payers.

The necessary savings of about £400,000 to bring the tax down to five per cent could easily be achieved by taking this amount from the cash allocated to the ward committees without any job losses or pain to vulnerable services.

Are parish councils also to be capped at five per cent? I see Bishopthorpe has increased the precept by 73 per cent and Osbaldwick 100 per cent. There may be others.

Mr A L Dixon,

Coggan Way,



Updated: 10:27 Thursday, March 30, 2006