COUN Galloway complains in the Evening Press that the Government's decision to cap York's budget is perverse, staggering and totally astonishing.

He states that the Government is punishing York residents without justification.

It is the actions of Coun Galloway and his team that are perverse, staggering and totally astonishing.

Sitting in the ivory towers of the Guildhall they thought that the Government would not cap if they were to make an increase of 5.49 per cent.

They mooted this magic figure believing that if the increase did not exceed the capping limit by half a per cent the Government would ignore it. Very misguided to say the least.

The council has been skating on thin ice when making excessive council tax rises in previous years and boasted about getting away with it.

It is Coun Galloway and his team who are punishing York residents, and now we might be further punished by having to meet the massive cost of sending out new bills.

Les Sweeney,

Dalmally Close,


Updated: 10:27 Thursday, March 30, 2006