I believe that Anne Rylatt's suggestion for a regular feature on the subject of driving safety is one which should be followed up (Letters, April 13).

I know the Evening Press already publishes useful advice on car and driver preparation for holiday travel and winter motoring but I don't recall reading anything on general driving behaviour and compliance with the law and Highway Code.

Unfortunately, no matter how many words on the subject appear in print they will never affect the hard core of drivers and motorcyclists who are convinced they have nothing to learn about safe driving as they are already, in their misguided opinion, top-class performers.

On a more practical level, I would recommend to Anne Rylatt, and any other driver who is honest enough to admit that there is room for improvement in their standard of driving, that a course of guidance with the local group of the Institute of Advanced Motorists can only be beneficial.

A Dobinson,

Askham Lane,



Updated: 09:56 Monday, April 17, 2006