IF Councillors Galloway and co are seriously interested in avoiding Government capping can I suggest the following.

Immediate implementation of traffic enforcement action, on residents and visitors who park illegally on pavements, verges etc, as outlined in Peter Evely's letter (March 28).

Cancel FTR and related subsidies, roadworks etc.

Review bin-emptying procedures, so that bins costing £50 each are not continually fed into the machinery of the collection vehicle, thereby needing replacement. I am waiting for my third replacement bin (several other local residents are in the same position).

These are just three suggestions of some of the more obvious examples of the waste of our money by our elected representatives.

I'm sure many readers will share my views and possibly add to these proposals?

Liz Edge,

Parkside Close,


Updated: 09:58 Monday, April 17, 2006