WHILE not wishing to denigrate the sterling work many GPs perform, I am amazed that the Government has given them so much money in their new contracts.

Since the main thrust of New Labour's health policy is for a market-driven service, and GP pay makes up a considerable part of the National Health Service (NHS) budget, surely economies should have been sought.

The rest of the working population has had to cope with an influx of foreign labour, essential, we are told, to drive forward the economy and keep costs down for British industry.

A recent programme on the television informs us a considerable number of non-native doctors are giving their services for free in hospitals, in the hope of getting an NHS contract.

Perhaps we could utilise their talents in a way that would save money which might then go to keep a few wards open.

Andy Baldock,

Villa Grove,

Heworth Green,


Updated: 09:37 Tuesday, May 02, 2006