MOST readers will have been shocked and appalled by the recent report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on the possibility of a significant minority of voters contemplating a vote for the extremist BNP (Almost a fifth would vote BNP, April 18).

Happily, most people in York and across the country remain firmly opposed to racism and fascism. But in the wise words of Edmund Burke, "All that it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

In other words we need to speak out now!

To that end, York Unite, the local group of the national Unite Against Fascism campaign, would like to invite all concerned anti-racists to attend our third annual general meeting, to be held on Wednesday, May10, at 7.30pm, in the Priory Street Centre, off Micklegate.

For more information on the non-party UAF campaign, visit the website at or call York Unite c/o York City UNISON, 01904 553490.

Ben Drake,

York Unite,

c/o York City UNISON,

Swinegate Court East,


Updated: 09:53 Wednesday, May 03, 2006