HOW disappointed I was, after paying for a phone through eBay, to find out that I and around one hundred other people had been the victim of a scam.

I quickly reported this to eBay, then to Paypal. Both were helpful.

I then gathered all the details and made my way to Fulford Road Police Station, York, to report the incident.

When I arrived at the police station the officers at the desk asked what had happened.

After I had told them their response was quite surprising. "Nothing to do with us," was the first comment. "Don't know if we can do anything," the second.

Then they passed me a slip of paper with "Compliments of North Yorkshire Police" on it and told me to ring the number on it if a crime had been committed.

So it would now seem, in this day of modern policing, that the police don't actually investigate to see if a crime has been committed when a member of the public tries to report one... no, sorry... North Yorkshire Police don't!

However, there is hope... Hampshire Police do. I have been contacted by another victim of this fraud and given an incident number and date and asked if I will report that I have been scammed in the same crime.

Of course, this I will do. If only I could send the North Yorkshire Police Authority surcharge on my council tax to Hampshire Police!

Peter Scott,

Queenswood Grove,



Updated: 11:34 Monday, May 15, 2006