THERE are alternatives to animal testing that produce more accurate results which would benefit the health of people like Mr Reeson and his wife (Worth The Sacrifice, Letters, May 16).

These more accurate alternatives, such as computer modelling and stem cell research, are more costly. The higher the cost of the research they undertake, the less chance a drug manufacturer has of staying in business.

They are there for profit. They don't care about you or your wife's health - only their bank balance.

Thousands of people a year in the UK alone die of ADRS (Adverse Drug Reaction Syndrome) but you will never get to learn of those deaths because the pharmaceutical companies and the Government, which is heavily funded by these companies, couldn't afford to let you know of them.

If your wife was to start taking a new drug tomorrow and died, do you think you would be able to sue the pharmaceutical company?

Don't believe all you see in the media, Mr Reeson - parts of the media are heavily biased and there are many billions of pounds involved. My regards to yourself and your wife. I personally wish you all the best.

Mr S McLean,

Prune Park Lane,

Allerton, Bradford.

Updated: 11:50 Friday, May 19, 2006