If healthcare is to be "rationed" as we are led to believe, (The Press, May 19), will National Insurance contributions be reduced?

I have no problem whatsoever in paying towards the National Health Service as I appreciate the fact that if I am run down or need urgent medical attention, then I will be treated there and then and by highly-qualified professional people.

What does concern me is the possibility that so called minor ops may be curtailed. A minor op to some people may be a major operation to others.

The other issue that needs looking at is the hospital that is paying a small fortune (£800,000) to a team of accountants to come in and find ways of making savings.

Surely that is simple: don't employ the accountants but ask your staff for ideas.

Most bosses are not in the real world. The staff, from lowest of the low upwards, have plenty of ideas to save money or get value for money.

They do the job on a daily basis after all.

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,



Updated: 10:35 Monday, May 22, 2006