GET on your bike - and why not get your kit off too?

That is what cyclists are being encouraged to do next month as York prepares to host its first "World Naked Bike Ride".

The event, staged around the world, is held annually to raise awareness of global oil dependency. This is the first year it has come to York.

The city is one of two new venues for the ride this year, which is also being hosted in London, Manchester and Brighton.

Former University of York student Jesse Schust, now co-ordinator for the naked bike ride in Britain, said it was hoped about 60 cyclists could shed their inhibitions and ride through York's historic streets when the event is held on June 9.

He said: "Gradually, more requests for a ride accumulated in the Yorkshire region - York was selected because it's such a bike-friendly city.

"It's a sort of celebration of the bike and a celebration of the human body.

"It appears that we are facing a global warming catastrophe, if we carry on using petrol as our energy source for cars and industry.

"The bike ride would really like to see people make cities much more like York, where the focus is on allowing cyclists to be a normal part of traffic." But although many participants have in the past stripped off all their clothes - organisers say there is no pressure to ride nude.

Riders in previous events have also highlighted the ethos behind the spectacle by adorning themselves with ivy leaves and painting their bodies with slogans depicting the global oil issue.

Jesse said: "It should be quite a nice thing to look at. If anybody does find the ride offensive, they only have to turn their head for a matter of 15 to 20 seconds and it will pass.

"We don't mean to offend.

"People often expect complaints to come from this. For the London ride we went through the central London streets for an hour and a half and there was one complaint. I think the general temperament of Britain is quite a tolerant one. People understand that this is a special, sensational event."

The York World Naked Bike Ride is happening on June 9, and those wanting to take part should meet at 6pm in Memorial Gardens, Leeman Road, for a 6.30pm start.

The route will take in Bootham Bar, York Minster, Clifford's Tower and the Millennium Bridge, and is expected to take between 40 and 60 minutes.

Riders can turn up on the day, but you can also register by logging on to

For more details, phone Jesse on 0781 458 7361, or email

Updated: 08:24 Monday, May 29, 2006