I WAS greatly relieved to see The Press had not permanently “lost” the humorous, witty epistles of scribe and one-time jockey, Ken Holmes, to the rigours of hospitalisation.

Fortunately, Ken rode the race of his life and came in first, over second favourite – a galloping blood-clot in his arm!

This mainly due to the excellent care and attention he mentions in his latest readers’ letter (Hats off to the NHS, March 25). I wish Ken a speedy recovery – so take it easy, lad.

Ease yourself back into the saddle – go to Scarborough or Filey for a gentle holiday.

Have a few donkey rides before you re-mount those fierce bone-shattering beasts.

Buy yourself a lightweight fountain pen – keep writing to The Press! “They’re off…”

Dale Minks, Ancress Walk, York.