Another car driver wishes to have the “bendy” buses removed (Monsters must go, Letters, March 27).

Presumably that includes the “bendy” Park&Ride buses, which have been populating the streets longer than the so-called other “monsters”?

Each of these apparent nuisances would need two ordinary-sized buses to replace them, which in themselves would extend the queue at any junction, not just Blossom Street.

Buses of this sort, and any others with passengers, are probably all in the same line of traffic waiting for traffic to move. The delays are cumulative due to volume and cannot be attributed to any particular vehicle. In fact, more people are being delayed on a bus than in the one car which has given rise to the “monster” letter.

There have been many voiced opinions regarding the Blossom Street junction. The present scenarios being considered all accept that the traffic will increase; of course it will. None of them have produced anything but a rearrangement of road traffic in the same road space, which almost certainly last only for short time, as the predicted increase in traffic unfolds.

It may not be obvious yet, but one day soon another “gateway” into the city from the present direction will be needed. Perhaps when the “Teardrop” plan for the land behind York Station is being developed and will need access from Holgate Road into and out of the site, this new route through will provide a bypass for traffic which at present passes the station via Queen Street, and relieve the Blossom Street junction.

If money has to be spent now, the least costly scenario should be the one, since it will probably soon out of date.

J Beisly, Osprey Close, York.