PAUL Cunniff quickly proved that there was more than one string to his violin bow.

He used to run Acomb Traders, but the market for used electrical goods declined, with stiff competition from supermarkets and other large retailers. But his natural love of music guided him towards the evolution of his company into Acomb Music, in Front Street, Acomb, York, building on the stock of musical instruments he already had.

Paul established his first three instrument dealerships following a visit to the British Music Fair in 2003 and, in music parlance, business swelled to a cadenza as he eventually stocked more than 30 major brands of instruments as well as own-brand accessories.

Now Paul is confident enough to pitch for the Small Business of the Year as well as the Retailer of the Year titles.

His latest success was to become the York area dealership for Ted Brewer electrical violins, those skeletal instruments favoured by the likes of top violinist Vanessa Mae.

The six-day-a-week store also offers a range of music-related services, from an amplifier and PA system repair service to a brass and woodwind repair service.

Paul said: "The business is becoming established and it has been a hard slog to get to this point. With the steady increase in sales I hope to be able to train and employ somebody in the next 12 months to work on the sales side of the operation, which would allow me to concentrate on promotion and sponsorship."