A PAEDOPHILE who went on the run in Uganda after abusing a girl in a village between York and Selby has finally been jailed after an international investigation.

York Crown Court heard that Bernard Saxty, now aged 64, abused the girl for eight years when she was aged between six and 14 while he lived in Riccall in the 1970s.

The offences were only reported to police in 2004 by which time Saxty had left North Yorkshire.

But in March last year, police traced him to Bristol, and he was interviewed and bailed.

While on bail, Saxty left the country, travelling to Dubai where he was located with the help of Interpol, although he then flew on to Uganda.

However, he was found with the help of the British Red Cross and Foreign and Commonwealth Office and his movements were tracked.

He was arrested when he landed at Heathrow Airport on December 18 last year and appeared at York Magistrates’ Court three days later.

Last Friday, at York Crown Court, he was sentenced to seven years in jail.

DC Wendy Avison, of the Protecting Vulnerable People Unit in York, said: “I hope that this case reassures victims of abuse that we will do everything in our powers to bring offenders to justice. “As well as the prosecution of offenders, it is our duty to ensure that the victims are treated with care and receive all the help that they need.”

DC Eric Davies, from the same unit, said: “Even if the abuse took place a long time ago, I would still encourage victims to come forward. Those that have committed these appalling offences need to face justice.”

He said victims of abuse could phone North Yorkshire Police on 0845 6060247 when they would be put in contact with officers from the force’s units for vulnerable people.