To the driver who obviously forgot to wear spectacles on Monday. We really hope you have done mega damage to your vehicle, which appears to be a yellow colour, because you absolutely annihilated the rear bumper of our silver Mondeo and, unless you are also aurally impaired, you know very well what you did.

You are totally despicable in driving off the way you did. It’s no use appealing to your better nature or conscience, as you obviously have neither. The bumper is unrepairable, having been cracked from top to bottom and a large hole put in the corner part.

We are part of the senior fraternity and can’t afford to either have this rectified, ie a new bumper, or claim on our insurance, having worked many years to achieve a very favourable no-claims discount, which would be lost should we now make a claim, just because you can’t drive properly.

In case you’ve forgotten that you hit a vehicle with force, this occurred in the car park of either Netto, Layerthorpe or Morrisons, Foss Islands Road.

Janet S Kitchen-Cooper, Ashley Park Road, York.