EAST Riding of Yorkshire Council has become one of the first in the country to announce it will be freezing council tax next year.

Coun Stephen Parnaby, leader of the authority said there would be no increase in the bill for services it provides in 2011/2012.

Coun Parnaby said only unforeseen events, such as major flooding and other extreme weather conditions, or particularly extreme cuts in Government funding, would hinder the Tory-led council’s plans.

One of the key Conservative manifesto commitments was to freeze council tax for two years.

The freeze in East Riding is being paid for by savings of £10m in the last financial year, which Coun Parnaby described as an “outstanding achievement”.

He said: “Although the level of council tax in the East Riding compares favourably with that in most other local authority areas, it is still a significant outgoing for many people, especially pensioners and others on fixed incomes and I think it is only right that people should benefit from the council’s prudent financial management.”