AN audit of the national books will take place after finding examples of “crazy” spending in Labour’s last year in power.

A national newspaper gives details how the clapped-out Labour government held back information on its borrowing, and the amount of debt this country was in. Once the books in the Treasury have been looked at, we may find we have borrowed more than Brown and Darling were telling the public of this country.

People like Brown and Darling should have their pensions ceased – let them work for a living. The rest of the former Cabinet should forfeit being an MP. They must have known or had some idea what the state debt-wise this country is in.

One sees one of the Miliband brothers putting up for new Labour leader. Briefly, he states he wants to do better. Labour has made mistakes.

He says he will put things right. Blair and Brown had 13 years in power between them – look what they got us into.

Tom Mitchell, Mendip Close, Huntington, York.