With the current financial problems and the likelihood of industrial unrest, perhaps I could introduce those working in the public sector to the real world of private enterprise.

I work for a large private company (not in York), which employs around 500 people and the frontline staff are highly skilled and qualified in the engineering sector.

The company does not operate a pension scheme. There has been no pay increase for three years.

If staff are ill they receive only statutory sick pay (about £60 per week). The holiday entitlement is the basic minimum and includes bank holidays. No more than ten working days holiday are permitted at one time.

The engineering staff's working time recently increased to often more than 50 hours over five days. My contract says 40 hours. If I do not complete the work on time then the extra is deducted from my earnings.

An earnings reduction of 28 per cent was recently imposed by the company. No consultation was offered or consent of the staff; this is unquestionably in breach of employment law. In real terms this was a drop in earnings of £10,000 per year.

This company only paid the industry average.

Name and address supplied.