I see those al Qaeda terrorists recently tried by our wonderful judicial system are to be allowed to stay in this country.

The country, let’s not forget, they despise sufficiently to want to kill and maim innocent civilians going about their daily lives.

To say the law is an ass doesn’t cover half the inane decisions made by our “learned” judges. Why are the al Qaeda thugs being allowed to stay here, at our (taxpayers’) expense?

Because, according to the judge who allowed this despicable decision to be upheld, they may be tortured, in Pakistan, and, because of this possibility, their human rights may be infringed.

I would imagine that most decent people will feel that once anyone, regardless of their religious or political leanings, decides that they are going to embark on a career of inflicting violent death or horrific injuries, on fellow human beings, then they automatically remove themselves from being regarded as a member of the human race, ergo The Human Rights Act no longer applies to them.

Deport these evil men now.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge.