SPORTING organisations in York have added their support to plans for a new swimming pool in the city as a decision on its future moves closer.

The £8.9 million facility is set to be part of the University of York’s Heslington East campus extension, with the blueprint for the scheme due to be discussed next month.

City of York Council has already agreed to provide £2 million towards the cost, and the university is set to apply for an extra £1 million of public cash in return for taking on a 25-year responsibility to operate and maintain the 12-lane, 25-metre pool.

Groups which support swimming and leisure activities in York say it would be a huge boost for York, with the proposals being considered at a meeting on July 6.

John Suddes, chairman of York City Baths Club, said: “We’re very pleased the project seems to be moving forward, because one of the things we need in the city is more pool time.

“The loss of the Barbican and Edmund Wilson pools means we have to stage our gala this weekend in Hull because nowhere in York has the necessary seating capacity, and we are struggling to make swimming as accessible as we would like to youngsters.

“The university pool has been on the books for quite a while and we are supporting it fully, because the sooner it can be built and ready for use, the better it will be for swimmers in York.”

Janice Murray, who chairs York@Large, a body whose remit includes promoting and supporting leisure and recreation in the city, said: “One of the three main priorities we identified was to work to increase community sport in the city. As part of this, we would like to see more community access to facilities at higher education establishments and the construction of a new swimming pool. The proposal meets both of these aims.”

However, the council’s Labour group says it will oppose an extra £1 million of public money being injected into the project, saying the creation of a city-centre pool and a community stadium should take priority.