POLICE are issuing a warning about a hoax letter being dropped on doorsteps across York claiming the householder has won the lottery.

The letter, entitled Euro Millions Fifa World Cup Super Lottery, is being sent to members of the public, claiming that the recipient has won money in a lottery being run to raise funds for the World Cup.

To claim the prize the recipient must write to the company and disclose their bank account details and other personal details.

This letter is the latest version of a fraud which has been running for a number of years.

The police advice is to ignore the letter and put it in the bin.

A spokesman said: “People should never give out their bank details or any other personal details to anyone they have not contacted first as they could become a victim of fraud.”

Anyone with information about the scam should phone North Yorkshire Police on 0845 6060 247, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.