A “MISUNDERSTANDING over timings” has been blamed for a gaffe which saw the Lord Mayor of York late for a salute by parading servicemen at the weekend.

Troops made their way through the city on Saturday led by the Marching Band of the Royal Artillery, past the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor, Coun Sue Galloway, and her party, should have been waiting.

But Coun Galloway did not appear at the door until many of the troops had already marched past.

Bernard Hallas, a Second World War, Royal Marine veteran, who witnessed the Armed Forces Day parade, said: “Zero hour had arrived and the band of the Royal Artillery leading the parade could be heard by the waiting crowd as it entered Coney Street.

“Impeccable as always, our troops approached the saluting base. At the command “eyes left” every head in the leading unit turned as one, to face the assembled civic party on the Mansion House steps.

“The front door of the Mansion House remained closed. There was no sign of the Lord Mayor or her party and it was only after the second unit had passed that the door opened slightly and our leading citizen could be seen in the aperture, obviously embarrassed and angry that her staff and advisors had placed her in such an impossible situation.”

Coun Galloway declined to comment on the situation, however a spokesman for City of York Council said: “Unfortunately there was a misunderstanding about the time that the parade would be going past the Mansion House, which meant that the Lord Mayor was not on the steps at the right moment. We hope that this did not detract from participants’ enjoyment or pride in the event.

“The Lord Mayor has the utmost respect for the efforts of those involved in the parade and their contribution to the security and freedom of the country.”