Updated: HUNDREDS of people gathered in York Minster to celebrate the life of former Lord Mayor Jack Archer.

Among them were the present Lord Mayor, Coun Sue Galloway, and several councillors who have held the position over the years.

At the service of thanksgiving for the life of Mr Archer, who died in March aged 90, friends and colleagues paid tribute to the two-time Lord Mayor who devoted much of his life to a string of good causes.

Pupils from Poppleton Road Primary School, where he was a governor for 30 years, sang You Are My Sunshine, and head teacher Debbie Glover shared her memories of him.

Linda Tester, service manager at Older Citizens’ Advocacy York, which Mr Archer founded, paid tribute to “a modest, unassuming man with a huge sense of justice”.

She said: “His involvement in the life of the city has, over many years, touched many facets of society, reached hundreds, no, probably thousands of individuals and helped to develop many services for the marginalised and disadvantaged.”

Friend and Labour Party colleague, Coun Brian Watson, remembered Mr Archer riding to a council meeting in Northallerton and back on his moped when his lift failed to turn up.

He said: “As Lord Mayor he did a first-class job of it, he did it the only way he knew how, showing the public he was one of them, no airs and graces, just Jack….I am proud not only to have known him, but to have had him as a friend.”

After the service, which was conducted by the Rev Canon Glyn Webster, Mr Archer’s daughter, Brenda, said: “What a tribute to someone who is still very sadly missed, and what better place for it.

“I’m a very proud daughter today and I always have been.

“No-one will take his place, he touched everybody that he met.”

Mr Archer, of Holgate, was the chairman of Age Concern York and was nominated in The Press’s Community Pride Awards last year as Volunteer Of The Year for his work with Older Citizens’ Advocacy York.

He was also the president of York Blind And Partially Sighted Society. He was made an MBE in 2004.

Mr Archer’s widow, Ena, died just two months after him in May, aged 87.