SCHOOLCHILDREN will be taking to the airwaves next week with the launch of their very own radio station.

On Wednesday, pupils at Selby Community Primary School will launch Star Radio after receiving a £7,500 National Lottery grant. The money has allowed the children to install a radio studio full of all the equipment they need.

Head teacher Ian Clennan said Star Radio would not broadcast to the wider world but would be heard in the school at break and lunch times. But he said interviews which the children conduct with people in the wider community would be put on the school’s website as podcasts.

The children are currently being trained in how to use all the equipment and are thinking about the programmes they would like to produce and present to their schoolmates.

Mr Clennan said: “Initially the radio station idea was conceived to improve speaking and listening skills across the school, though the children involved in the planning of the station have had some fantastic ideas of how they can use podcasting and presenting to interview local community members and bring their school visits and in-class learning to life.”

The launch of a school radio station with state of the art equipment is rare within primary schools and Selby Community Primary School is hoping to teach its children valuable skills with the new technology that one day could be put to use within the workplace.

Mr Clennan added: “Children are very confident with using computers, this is the next stage in developing good quality IT. Not only will the children be able to edit and mix music and speech, they will be able to do this using technology which is commonly used in the radio industry.”