I often read the Letters section of The Press as I am amused by the narrow-minded and prejudiced opinions of some of the regular correspondents.

However, I almost choked on my sandwich when I read your latest rant by Judith Morris, published on 6 July.

Cyclists the biggest nuisance on the roads? – An expression of a personal opinion – there are good and bad cyclists (as there are motorists), but to tar them all with the same brush is infantile at best.

Cyclists not vulnerable road users? What planet is she on? In a road traffic accident between a motor vehicle and cyclist, who does she think is going to come off worse?

“Alleged health benefits” of cycling? – It is well documented that any cardiovascular exercise is beneficial to general health, and this includes brisk cycling.

Cyclist pay no tax? Nonsense, the upkeep of our local streets is funded through council tax, which we all pay regardless of our choice of transportation.

Furthermore, the revenue secured by central government through road tax is not ringfenced for the upkeep of the road network – it is a taxed popular activity, such as the duty paid on cigarettes and alcohol.

Your correspondent has clearly demonstrated her ignorance with submission of such a badly researched letter for publication.

While I have some sympathy with the libertarian leanings of UKIP, for which she is chair of the local branch – she does herself, and her party no favours with the expression of clearly biased and unsubstantiated viewpoints.

Baz Buchanan, Argyle Street, York.