In reply to T McCann (Letters, July 5), I do not know where the figures of three per cent came from, but whatever the percentage the Catholic Church should feel ashamed (or embarrassed that yet another abuse case has come to light).

Horror stories from the “bad boy” reformatories run by priests, the Irish laundries run by the nuns, and the odd case now and again of village priests abusing children come to light.

And what happens when the perpetrators are identified? They are ghosted away to Italy to repent their sins (but only under the eyes of Our Lord and not the authorities, of course).

These same people are respected and looked up to by members of their congregation As a definitely “non-practising” Catholic, I am deeply ashamed of the pain and sorrow inflicted by “people of the cloth” of the religion I was brought up to believe and respect.

I was brought up with another, better belief – you earn respect!

As for T McCann, do you understand now why people may “have it in” for the Roman Catholic Church?

P Christian, Willow Garth, Dunnington, York.