After supporting York City for 62 years, the end is nigh. The move to Huntington will see my beloved football club follow the path of York Wasps. All of the visiting teams, with the exception of Gateshead, come from the west, so our planning experts propose building a stadium on the east side of the city.

Home and visiting supporters will be pushed on to an already congested ring road that can’t cope with existing traffic, so my journey to and from the match will probably take as much time as watching it.

At the present, after the game, supporters leave the match, disperse in different directions by car, bike or on foot. Some even go into various local hostelries for a drink. All of this will disappear.

A Park&Ride system will not cope with the regular supporters trying to get home. Our bus company cannot provide a reliable local service now, so it will never cope with nearly 2,000 people leaving the game at once.

The usual Park&Ride system is one where users park their car on the outskirts of the city and bus into the centre, either to work or visit. How does this work in the opposite direction? Can I travel on the service for free from the city centre or do I have to pay added extra cost for my afternoon’s pleasure?

I hope that I am proved wrong, but so thought many rugby supporters.

AP Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.