Mr Cameron’s coalition pals must have had deprived childhoods.

Brought up by nanny, they came to loathe her and her homeland. Perhaps their particular Mary Poppins withheld the sugar when she administered the nasty medicine, chastised with her handbag, or tried to stop them being horrid, “George, don’t do that.”

Obviously, she failed to warn them about the big bad wolf. How else to explain the new health secretary’s naïve belief that the food industry will act more responsibly if asked nicely in return for not being properly regulated. It is run by decent chaps who can be relied on to do the right thing.

Like the bankers, brewers and tobacco companies, they will willingly eschew vast profits.

Shareholders too will accept lower dividends for the sake of the public well-being. They are after all in the business of providing a public service.

All that will then be needed is for the Colombian drug cartels to join socially responsible arms manufacturers in a concerted effort to improve world health and for the Taliban to promote its liberal feminist side.

Then the sight of a porcine fly-past over York Minster heralding the elevation of York City to the Premier League is a distinct probability.

Anthony Still, Barbers Drive, Copmanthorpe, York.