DOZENS of cannabis plants were discovered when police raided a house in Cliffe.

The 88 plants were in various stages of development when they were seized, with some being grown inside the property in Station Lane.

The majority were housed in sheds which were kitted out specifically for the cultivation of the drug.

As well as the plants, police seized fans, lights and hydroponic growing equipment.

The raid took place at 2.20pm on Tuesday and was part of Operation Orate which was introduced to tackle drug-related crime in the Selby district. There have been several successful raids over recent weeks with officers often acting on intelligence from the local community.

Inspector Richard Abbott, of Selby Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “This was a very pleasing result for us as we are determined to make life difficult for people involved with drugs in our communities.

“It also goes to show that we are listening to and engaging with residents and acting upon the information they give us.

This kind of interaction has contributed to the general reduction in crime in Selby District and we want to keep it that way.

“Anyone with any information they would like to share with us please don’t hesitate to contact the local safer neighbourhood team or Crimestoppers.”

A 22-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the raid and has been released on bail as inquiries continue.

Anyone who would like to report suspicious activity should phone their local safer neighbourhood team on 0845 6060247. Information can also be passed confidentially to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.