WITH regard to the item Progress on free schools (The Press, July 7) it really makes my blood boil (as did previous articles about this) that a bunch of Holgate professional men have decided that neither York High School nor Millthorpe School (both close to Holgate) is good enough for their children, so they will use their money and clout to set up their own “free school”.

It is like saying “these schools are rubbish”. Instead, they should be supporting and encouraging within their local community.

To say these schools are too far away from Holgate is just absurd. How often do you get a school right on your doorstep? And where would they build or find an existing building in Holgate?

From my experience both of these secondary schools are thriving and trying to be the best they can.

Why should central government invest in “free schools” when their money would be better spent in state schools?

If these parents want a better school for their children, let them find it themselves.

Mrs J Smith, Jamieson Terrace, York.