WITH reference to the story about a jobless man who was arrested, charged and fined for taking cycle frames out of a skip (The Press, July 15).

Oh come on – given some of the cases the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) decides not to pursue, and the overload on the courts, this is ludicrous. The CPS is legally obliged to consider whether a prosecution is in the public interest. Perhaps a CPS spokesperson could explain? Especially when “the cycle frames had been returned to their owner, the National Railway Museum (NRM), and presumably been put back in the skip.”

Couldn’t the police have used some discretion or common sense, like either okaying it with the NRM, or (at worst) just getting him to put the items back? Surely they have better things to do!

I have taken items out of skips, and more than once been thanked by their users.

Michael Cadoux, Horseman Avenue, Copmanthorpe, York.