ENTRIES continue to roll in for our Community Pride Awards, with nominations for an inspirational teacher, an impressive primary school project and a team of top-class museum volunteers.

Amanda Lane, assistant head teacher at York High School, has been put forward for Teacher Of The Year by Lesley Lowther, whose son is a pupil at the school.

Ms Lowther said: “I’ve never met such a dedicated individual who works so hard to help young people with additional needs meet their full potential.

“She is always at the other end of a phone to offer her help and has such a passion for her job.

“She not only inspires the young people under her care, but also the young people’s parents. She has always believed in my son and his abilities and I really don’t know what we would have done without her.”

Meanwhile, Osbaldwick Primary School is in the running to win Best Primary School Project for its work with the local community.

Pupils recently worked alongside the school’s local policing team to host a Senior Citizens Afternoon Tea, during which they put on singing, dance and drama performances and presented their elderly guests with gifts.

Head teacher Lesley Barringer said: “It’s all part of bringing different generations together and fostering a sense of pride and community spirit.”

Finally, the information point volunteers at York’s National Railway Museum have been nominated for the Service With A Smile award in recognition of their first-class customer care.

In 2009 alone, the team gave up 5,500 hours of their spare time to help the museum’s visitors and promote the city.

Our panel of judges have been told how when one family visiting the museum ran out of disposable nappies, volunteer Paul Hepworth wasted no time in jumping on his bicycle, returning promptly with a packet of nappies.

The deadline for entries to the awards, which we are running in conjunction with City of York Council and Benenden Healthcare Society, is this Friday.

To nominate your unsung hero, complete the entry form and return it with a supporting statement.

York Press: Community Pride Awards 2010 - categories and sponsors