POLICE have released CCTV images of a man suspected of breaking the arm of a 71-year-old woman during a mugging in York.

The pensioner was walking towards Marygate, through the rear of St Peter’s School in Clifton at about 5pm on Thursday, when she was approached from behind and pushed to the floor.

Her attacker then snatched her handbag and rode off on a pushbike towards Marygate, using the path behind St Olave’s School.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed the contents of the brown leather shoulder bag included a pair of Red or Dead sunglasses, a Liberty make-up bag, a Stratton make-up compact, and about £35.

The suspect’s escape was captured on CCTV near St Olave’s School, where he struggled to cycle away from the scene, falling over and losing control of the bike, before being followed by a member of the public towards Marygate.

Detective Constable Manzoor Mohammed said the pensioner was lucky not to have received further injuries.

He said: “On this occasion the lady has suffered a broken arm and it is only through luck that the injuries were not worse.

“We need to locate this man, and would appreciate the public’s help in finding him.

“The incident happened in daylight in a public area, and we would urge any witnesses to come forward.”

The robbery was reported by the pensioner’s husband when she returned home half an hour after the attack, and she was taken to hospital and treated for fractures to her upper arm.

A police spokesman said the woman was released from hospital on Thursday evening and was recovering well.

The attacker was a white male, in his mid-30s, with short, sandy or light-brown hair which was cut and not shaved, and a pale complexion and was wearing a light- coloured top.

Anyone with information should phone York CID on 08456 6060247 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.