A MOTHER-OF-TWO who was banned from her York home following 75 allegations of antisocial behaviour has set up camp in a tent.

Isabel Sellars was forced to leave her privately rented flat in Chapelfields Road for three months after police and council officials used new powers to gain a Premise Closure Order from the court.

The 38-year-old was also given a 12-month antisocial behaviour injunction barring her from Bramham Grove and Bridle Way, as well as parts of Chapelfields Road, Barkston Road and Bramham Road.

Speaking to The Press from the tent she has put up in a council-owned garden in Bramham Road, Miss Sellars said she had nowhere else to go.

Miss Sellars, who has lived in Chapelfields for 30 years, said she denied the majority of allegations, ranging from intimidation and harassment to shouting, swearing and playing loud music, and felt they had not been investigated properly.

She said: “I am not a yob mum. I just want to clear my name and find a roof to put over my head.

“This has destroyed my family. My 17-year-old daughter is now living in Ordnance Lane and I don’t know where my 21-year-old is sleeping. It has ripped us apart.”

She said her belongings were being stored in friends’ garden sheds and she was using nearby residents’ bathroom facilities.

More than 175 people have joined a group called Find Izzy A Home on Facebook, and more than 100 local residents have signed a petition saying she does not deserve to be homeless.

Miss Sellars said the Premise Closure Order ran out in May, but she could not return to the property because her tenancy agreement was about to run out and would not be renewed.

She said she had been offered a shared room in the Arc Light Centre, but had turned this down because her 13-year-old dog, Tyson, could not stay there. She said the council had ordered her to remove her tent from their land by 4pm last Thursday, and she was now expecting further legal action.

About 30 residents attended a Westfield ward committee meeting this week to call on the council to help find Miss Sellars a home, but were told individual cases could not be discussed.

A spokeswoman for City of York Council said a temporary eviction notice was always a last resort, but Miss Sellars had failed to act despite warnings. She said: “The council has a duty to protect residents from nuisance behaviour and was left with no alternative but to take legal action.

“In such situations, the person would be encouraged to contact the council’s housing services team to find out what support would be available.”