COUNCIL bosses have approved a shake-up of York’s winter gritting policy to leave the city better-placed to deal with a repeat of last winter’s big freeze.

More roads will be designated as “secondary routes”, so they can be cleared of snow and ice alongside the area’s main highways if salt supplies are available, while self-help salt bags will be provided across communities to allow residents to deal with slippery conditions outside their homes.

City of York Council’s executive also yesterday rubber-stamped plans to improve York Contact Centre’s out-of-hours service so more calls can be dealt with more quickly, including sharing the workload with other departments and allowing those handling the calls to do so from home, and provide more up-to-date information through its website.

Meanwhile, the authority’s officers are also working on drawing up a list of cycling routes, particularly those popular with commuters, which should be prioritised for gritting during severe weather.

However, the council says it has yet to identify a “safe option” for treating the Millennium Bridge in such conditions after a study of the structure concluded some de-icing materials could damage the crossing point.

Coun Ann Reid, the authority’s executive member for neighbourhood services, said a review had decided North Lane in Huntington, Millfield Lane, near Manor School, and Grantham Drive should be included on the future gritting network.

“One of the problems last winter was that officers had no guidance of what to do when the snow and ice persisted,” she said. “This review identifies the secondary route coverage which can be treated when severe weather persists, subject to resources and the availability of salt.

“Parish councils and ward committees will be consulted on locations for permanent and temporary self-help salt supplies.

“This review has identified the gaps, offers solutions and gives a framework for the future which should allow the council to provide an even better service to our residents in times of severe weather.”