THE level of venomous, anti-Semitic response was worse than I predicted (Letters June 30).

Israelis cannot be accused of occupying the land of Israel anymore than an Englishman can occupy England. It’s well documented that the Jews were living in the land thousands of years ago.

Nobel Prizes are awarded by the Nobel Foundation to men and women who have rendered the greatest service to humankind. Between 1901 and 2008, more than 750 Nobel Prizes were handed out. Of these, at least 163 are Jews. Pro rata, more than any other nation.

Al Shifa hospital underwent a major multi-million dollar Israeli renovation in the 1980s as part of a showcase project to improve the living conditions of Gaza residents.

During the latest conflict, senior Hamas terrorist officials found refuge in the hospital basement because they knew Israel would not target it, due to the patients in the upper floors.

Both schools and hospitals were used as rocket sites cowardly hiding behind innocent civilians.

Regarding the rights of women in Palestine, perhaps letter writer K Armstrong should consider the honour killings justified by a woman wearing the wrong outfit or deciding to choose her own husband instead of a forced inter-family marriage.

R Barker, Westfield Road, Selby.