IS YORK really a cycling city? The council is reconsidering the Water End cycle lane provision because a few people who bought houses on a through road don’t like cars using their street as a through road.

Closing off one road causes havoc in surrounding streets (look at what the closure of Vyner Street and Fountayne Street did to traffic on Wigginton Road).

As for the cycle lane itself, if the council decided to try and shoehorn a cycle lane between the left turn and the right turn lanes at Water End, then this would be dangerous. The layout is fine as it is: before it was changed traffic backed up to the traffic lights with Salisbury Road, and it still does now.

Then we get adverts saying: “Cyclists: make sure the driver has seen you,” showing a bike being run into by some numpty who hasn’t looked properly.

The only way the car driver in that picture wouldn’t see the bike is if he needed an eye test or was driving in a reclined position in a left-hand-drive vehicle.

If York really is a ‘Cycling City’ then let’s see some proof of it.

Chris Nelson, Anthea Drive, York.

• COULD someone please explain to me the point of the large green sections at the front of the traffic lights indicated for cyclists.

Twice I have been stopped by community officers for going beyond these sections only because they were full of motorcyclists, cars or wagons.

On the pointing this out to the community officer/police, they seem uninterested. So I would like to know, what is the point in wasting taxpayers money on painting these sections, if it seems that any vehicle can use them?

I would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced this.

Brent Justin Greenwood, Hollybank Road, Holgate, York.