SELF-APPOINTED ‘eco-champion’ John Cossham wants to ban cars within the city walls (The Press, July 17).

His other name of Professor Fiddlesticks seems more appropriate. The city walls encompass a far larger area than the city centre. Significant residential areas, Bishophill, Walmgate, Aldwark, not to mention Hungate, would all be affected. Is he seriously suggesting that all these people should be deprived of the use of their cars?

He may have a straw trap under his bath, but that should not mean everyone else required to wear a hair shirt.

Nick Derbyshire, South Esplanade, York.

• I CAN support John Cossham’s aim to consider pedestrianising the entire city centre, provided it is for pedestrians only and cars and cycles are excluded. If all of York’s cyclists respected the rights of pedestrians, as most do, there would be no problem with an integrated scheme.

But one only has to see the way some ignore the present footstreet regulations and one-way streets to realise this minority are never likely to respect any rules.

Therefore a complete ban on cycles and cars is the only way. I should also like to see restrictions on motorised wheelchairs within any pedestrian area.

Alec Acomb, Hillcrest Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York.

• JOHN Cossham does well to act according to his green beliefs and I would support him, except for his latest idea to ban all cars from within the city walls. I have no car, but I speak for all the people who like me need transport to get into town.

Dennis Barton, Woodthorpe, York.